Member Roles:
Equipment: Derek
Mary Teft White Greeter: Carli, Madison & Derek
Note Taker: Madison
Facilitator: Carli
Introduction Questions:
Introduce ourselves
Discuss what they want to be called (Mr, Mrs, etc…)
Is there anything in particular that you want to focus on?
Where do you live now?
How old are you?
What family members do you have in the country?
How old were you when you came to the country?
What are some of the challenges that you faced when you came to the country?
How was it adjusting and learning a new lifestyle?
What was it like learning a new language?
Do you/have you ever faced any prejudice/discrimination in America as a result of your background as a refugee?
What is it like to have the resources to be able to attend a U.S. University?
What do you plan on doing with your major?
What are some of your favorite things about this country?
What are some of your least favorite things?
Closing Questions:
Would you ever return to your country?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What is one thing you want people to know about yourself?
What is one thing you want people to know about your home country?
What is one thing you want people in America to be more aware of?
What is the best lesson you have learned from your journey so far?